

Introducing... Men of Gold

     When the rumors started, Men of Gold was just an idea, we hadn't even jammed together before we started hearing the rumors. "Tyler and Zach are starting a band" was everywhere, we couldn't walk out of our own houses without getting attacked by friends, people we had never met, and most of all the media. We would have to run anywhere we went and even still fans of our yet to be formed group would hound us asking for our first single. Though it never came, still not a day went by where we weren't asked for one. Our fans never quit on us and so we aren't quitting on them, today, February 20, 2012 was our first studio day, recording classics from each generation. We didn't stop there. album titles, cover shoots and the like were all done in one day, and Men of Gold was created.
     After all the hubbub we just want everyone to know that we are still the same people, as you look forward to our first single, you must know that we are no different than the people we were before Men of Gold, we refuse to let the fame get to our heads. We don't want everyone thinking that we are a supergroup, headed straight to the Grammy's. We still recognize the humble beginnings we came from and want all of you to still understand that we are the same people.
     We also want to promise our fans that we never plan on selling out, label after label have been searching for us, and we are strong in the ways of our music. We refuse to let our creativity be marred by fame or money and if anyone tries to buy their way into our creativity, we will not let them. We know that as long as we stay true to the music our fans will stay true to us, and that is what is important, the fans, not the money, not the fame, you, our fans.
our eponymous album
     We write this today to thank those of you who have supported us from the beginning, to thank those who will be here in the certain future of the band. We know that you anxiously await our single and we anxiously await releasing it. So wait only a short time longer Men of Gold is here to stay.


I Know You, So I'll Tell it Like it is

"There are two types of people in this world, those who pee in the shower, and those who freakin' lie."
-Brock Wilson

My brother told me this joke today, and it made me laugh. I know it isn't his but I attribute it to him, as I don't know who else to attribute it to... anyway, I digress.

As I thought about this joke it pissed me off (pun intended), as most things do. What is wrong with doing a little potty in the shower? Why not? It gives boys an opportunity for a little of target practice, and girls the opportunity to pee whilst standing. This is generally considered the greatest thing a man can do, and if there is one thing wrong with this world, it is that women aren't enough like men.

What arguments do you have against urinating during a relaxing warm shower? It is disgusting? Hmm, well you do more disgusting things that this in the shower. Or do you not wash your butt crack? Well, then you are the disgusting person here. Any other arguments?

It saves water, it is a sterile bodily fluid, and it is comfortable. It may sound gross, but it is not a big deal. So do it, save the planet some water. Here is a photo that you can look at for comfort. This girl does it (I assume that this is a girl, those would be some gay shoes, along with the painted nails) or it could be a gay guy, but that would prove my point even further, gay dudes are clean!

Here is a water saver, and its handy.

The aforementioned (aforeviewed?) product is a little bit of a waste though, cause there is already a freaking drain in the shower!

I considered continuing this blog on, listing more disgusting things that you probably do every day, but I changed my mind. 

P.S. As I did my research for this blog, I learned that it doesn't really matter if you put down any sort of protector when you go to the bathroom in a public toilet, so now you don't have to feel bad when you don't put down a protector, or at least I don't have to feel bad (I never felt bad).